Sharks need our help!
Save Our Sharks is aimed at the protection of sharks in the entire Dutch Kingdom. By performing scientific research, communicating with politicians and fishermen, and educating the public, we aim to protect declining shark populations both on the Dutch Caribbean islands and in the Netherlands. Read more
Our latest news

Shark expedition to the Saba Bank
Windwardside, Saba 14 July 2019- An international expedition for shark research to the Saba Bank in the Dutch Caribbean is taking place under the leadership of the Dutch Elasmobranch Society […] Lees verder

Critically endangered sawfish and vulnerable silky shark gain additional protection in the Caribbean
Last week Caribbean nations agreed to add two more species to the Annexes of the Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) Protocol, the only transnational legal instrument for the environment […] Lees verder

New Dutch Caribbean Shark Week 2018 overview
The fourth edition of Dutch Caribbean Shark Week took place from June 9-17, 2018 simultaneously in Curaçao, Aruba, St. Maarten, Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba, and in the Netherlands. An abundance […] Lees verder

The islands of the Dutch Caribbean are home to an array of large shark species, such as whale sharks, lemon sharks, tiger sharks, hammerheads, and eagle rays. The number of sharks around the islands has strongly declined over the past decades and many species are now threatened with extinction. And the North Sea inhabits multiple shark and ray species. Sharks are very vulnerable to overfishing and the loss of essential habitat, but they are an important contributor to the marine ecosystem and can be important to the local community as a tourism asset. One-quarter of shark species is threatened with extinction globally. It is our responsibility to act upon this problem. Read more
Our sharks
Sharks are an important contributor to the ecosystem, and they are threatened on a global scale by human activity. Together, we can assure the conservation of these species for the future. Read more
The Kingdom
The Dutch Kingdom consists of the Netherlands and the Dutch Caribbean islands, whose natural heritage is rich and diverse, with several hotspots for biodiversity. Read more
Shark Week
To highlight to the community the importance of sharks, we organized Dutch Caribbean Shark Week from 2015-2018, a week of events, happening simultaneously on six Caribbean islands, as well as in the Netherlands. Read more